The nwc saf/pps

The smhi remote sensing research group is involved in the Nowcasting Satellite Application Facilities (nwc saf) initiated by eumetsat. The nwc saf derive and develop products for nowcasting and very short range forecasting.

The general objective of the nwc saf is to provide operational services to ensure the optimum use of meteorological data in nowcasting and very short range forecasting. At smhi we have the main responsibility for the development and maintenance of the Polar Platform System package (the pps-package) to process the products from (direct readout) data from polar orbiting weather satellites, including noaa, S-NPP/JPSS, NASA EOS Terra/Aqua, and EPS Metop.

The nwc saf polar products

The nwc saf products consist of five cloud products and one wind product:

The products are derived from data from the following instruments:

On this web-site we show real-time demonstrations of the above products as derived from the PPS reference system running at SMHI using data from the direct readout station in Norrköping, as well as some data from the EUMETSAT EARS-AVHRR service.

For further details on the products and the NWCSAF in general please go to the NWC SAF web-site.

Accessibility Statement

Disclaimer: All intellectual property rights of the nwc saf products belong to eumetsat. The use of these products is granted to every interested user, free of charge. If you wish to use these products, eumetsat's copyright credits must be shown by displaying the words "copyright (year) EUMETSAT" on each of the products used.