High Resolution Winds (HRW)


  1. Goal of the High Resolution Winds product
  2. High Resolution Winds algorithm summary
  3. High Resolution Winds output

Goal of the High Resolution Winds product

This product provides a detailed sets of Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) and Trajectories.

High Resolution Winds algorithm summary

The hrw algorithm is the same as used in the nwc saf/GEO processing packages, which is developed by AEMET.

The hrw algorithm requires data from two separate satellite passages, and it will only create a product in the overlapping part. The retrieval is performed in four main steps:

The algorithm takes satellite imagery input from the sensors avhrr, viirs, modis, mersi2, or slstr. The calculations can combine scenes from any two of them.
Besides the satellite data, the algorithm uses input from the nwcsaf/pps Cloud Type, CTTH, and (optionally) CMIC, and it takes also the following as input:

High Resolution Winds output

The output is delivered as netCDF- or BUFR-files (configurable).

There are two main outputs: